June 2022's Color of the Month is Orchid Bloom

This post is written with a very heavy heart, our thoughts and prayers go out to the families of those who lost their lives in the Uvalde Texas school shooting! It's hard to believe that in a country that prides itself on being a global leader that rather than ban assault weapon sales to non-military civilians we look the other way and the result is this type of atrocity again - shame on us! So in honor of all those innocent soles I chose Orchid Bloom as June's color of the month! This dusty violet taken from Pantone's Spring/Summer 2022 collection is angelic and spiritual. It is reminiscent of our heightened love for life and nature. Let's wear shades of this color to show solidarity with our brothers and sisters in Texas who are in unimaginable pain, a pain that will ease but never go away! The products in the picture will be 10% off but we will donate the full price of the products to a fund for the families in Uvalde! Hug your children and family members, tell them you love them! Tomorrow is not promised so let's do everything we can now to ensure that this never happens again in this country!
Ciao Bella,
Ms. Minna
Posted on June 12 2022